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3 min read 1 less known Gozo cave that is way better than Calypso cave Malta · Travel & Tips

We’ve been living on Gozo for one year, but yet we had no idea that Tal-Mixta Cave exists. We knew about well known Calypso cave, and we went to visit it the first month on this beautiful island. That was a disappointment!

1 min read A negative mind will never give you a positive life. Motivation

Today I was inspired by this quote. I believe we have a choice. I have a choice. And decision we make shapes our reality. Negativity is an easy road. It doesn't give anything worth keeping. So next time, next morning - even if nothing goes as planned - smile, say only "good" and move forward to next opportunity that will knock on a door of your life.

4 min read How to enroll kids in school on Malta if you're a foreigner? Malta · Family & Kids

Are you one of those who chose to switch location and live on a sunny Mediterranean island? You are not the only one. You’ll find many foreigners on Malta, with whom you’ll be able to exchange the impressions.

3 min read What I learned after 30 days of traveling with my family Spain · Travel & Tips

It has been more than a month since we left our home. Since then we had all kinds of thoughts, feelings. I don’t remember myself being so moody anytime in my life before. So what are the things we learned on our road? Good’s and bad’s - I will reveal everything. Let’s start with a good one.

5 min read Tips for taking IELTS test Malta · Travel & Tips

At the beginning of December, I decided it’s time to do IELTS test. I was postponing it for months. But if I wish to live and work in New Zealand I need to present an official score of my English knowledge. It was time to stop procrastinating. I selected the date and paid the fee for the academic format. OMG, it’s happening!

3 min read When your child doesn’t want to go to school Diary & Writing

In January we went to visit our family in Slovenia. We didn’t see any positive consequences of our visit. We were exhausted, and it was hard to get back into our daily routine. The most significant problem occurred when it was time to get back to school. Lejla skipped two weeks of school, and she had a lot of catching up to do - tons of homework. But the most heartbreaking issue we had with Erik. He just didn’t want to go back to school.

2 min read 1 big reasons why I am not investing in bitcoin? Business

I won’t lie - I am tempted to invest in bitcoin. I am looking at its number for a long time. I guess I am not alone. Thousands of people were waiting if that magical coin can get over 10k$. And it did. No surprise. And here comes the big but.

2 min read Back to Gozo Diary & Writing

We decided that we’ll go back to Gozo. We’ll stay there until we recharge ourselves and our valets. In a way, it is liberating that we finally determined where we’ll go next. But on the other hand, I feel disappointed. It is like breaking up with a guy. After some hard and unsatisfied period of your time together, you decide to break up with him, and that makes you feel liberated. But at the same time, you feel down, because you failed to build something lasting, your vision of the future with him no longer exists. Your eyes are glowing with excitement for the new possibilities, but some bitterness stays on your tongue.

4 min read Jumping to the other side of the world New Zealand · Travel & Tips

Maybe it was the fact that we were moving to the other side of the world, but it occurred to me the day before our flight: how will we survive this travel?

6 min read We have a pool! Diary & Writing

We couldn’t wait to get on the other side of the island. You know: things always look sunnier somewhere else. But, are they? About our turbulent living from 14. 10. 2017 till our flight to Gran Canaria on 27. 10. 2017.

2 min read We have plane tickets! Malta · Diary & Writing

In the year 2015, I already wrote an article about having plane tickets. At that time they were to Malta, but the excitement wasn’t any smaller than it is today. It was our first move from our country, and it was a big deal. This time we’ll travel all the way to New Zealand! Can you imagine?! We’ll fly to the other side of the world!

1 min read One big reason to suit up if you’re working from home? Business

I have been working for myself, or if I am honest, I never had a job for which you have to be all dressed up and shiny. So I never had a real reason to wear clothes or shirts. But I do. Do you want to know why? Because of brains and the way they work.

4 min read 4 incredible beaches on Tenerife that will fulfill you Spain · Travel & Tips

I am not telling you that beaches described below are the best on Tenerife because tastes vary. Some like sandy beaches, some don’t stand sand in every corner of their body. Some like to listen how waves crash on a rocky shore. To some such coast is too dangerous to get close to. That is why I will describe four beaches I found to have a transcending effect on me.

2 min read Traveling: shallow excitement? Malta · Travel & Tips

More than I think about traveling, more I conclude that pure traveling is a quite shallow experience for me. I am not saying that is not awesome to see all the beauty the world has to offer. I am saying; it is not so fulfilling as I thought it would be.

6 min read What are you doing to your kids!? Family & Kids

When we decided to go and live in Malta, my biggest fear was, that I am doing something bad to my kids.

Audio avaliable · 1 min read Colourful Mommy Kids Corner

Erik draw Mommy as he sees her. Listen to the audio for more.

5 min read Who am I? That's the real question. Here are four answers for you. Motivation

Who am I? That's the question I am asking myself quite often lately. I guess everybody does once in a while and this article is not really about it. Let's go ahead and see what the point of this blog is.

1 min read First interview: Kids present themselves Slovenia · Family & Kids

Mommy: an interviewer. The interviewee: Lejla and Erik

3 min read What to see on Gran Canaria Spain · Travel & Tips

It may come as a surprise, but I won’t tell you what to see in Gran Canaria. I’ll tell you how to see it.

6 min read Living in a house on the hill Diary & Writing

From 30. 9. 2017 until 14. 10. 2017 we were engaged on a rollercoaster of emotions in a comfortable shelter of a cozy house in Tenerife North.

3 min read Searching for meaning Diary & Writing

We have arrived on Gozo at the beginning of November. Personally, I fell into a bit of depressive state. Maybe depression isn’t the right description. It was more like melancholy. I wasn’t sad; I was without energy. I wished to snuggle between warm covers and not move out of it.

3 min read 2 locations in Tenerife that took my breath away Spain · Travel & Tips

While traveling, I am a bag of mixed emotions. I can be tired and cranky, but excited and full of energy at the same time. Now that I am traveling with my family, I have to take care that I don’t behave like a child. So, if I am hot, thirsty and tired, I cannot grumble out loud, because it will multiply in reactions of my family members. When my son is squeaking on a back seat that he is hot, which in our case means that he is sick and he can throw out soon, I have to take a couple of deep inhales, so I don’t allow negative energy to overwhelm me and the whole family as well. It doesn’t always help, that’s why is even more important to discover corners of the world where it’s so beautiful, that all your efforts are repaid.

2 min read To new beginnings Travel & Tips

They’re not easy. Not at all. Nobody likes them. We try to avoid them as much as possible when we get older. The truth is that they are necessary for the growth. Everything starts at the beginning.

3 min read Saying goodbye… to stuff Slovenia · Travel & Tips

One thing I learned over the last couple of years is that stuff doesn’t matter. Clinging to material possessions gives you only a burden. That doesn’t mean I don’t like to have nice stuff around me. It means I learned how to enjoy them while I have them, and being able to let them go when it’s time to do so.

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