Family & Kids

First interview: Kids present themselves

Nadja Ebner

11 Oct 17 · 1 min read

Mommy: an interviewer.
The interviewee: Lejla and Erik

Mommy: How would you describe yourself?
Lejla: I am Lejla the fairy.

Mommy: Why are you a fairy?
Lejla: So I can fulfill people's wishes. I can do magic, you know! 

Mommy: What about you Erik? Who are you?
Erik: I am Erik the knight! I wish to defeat a dragon. 

Mommy: Why do you want to defeat a dragon?
Erik: Because I am a knight, of course! Silly mommy doesn’t know anything…

Mommy: What do you like to do the most?
Lejla: I like to climb! I do it on trees, on bars that hold a swing, on different kind of poles. I can climb everywhere. I do it, so I get muscles. 

Mommy: Why do you need muscles for?
Lejla: So I will be strong, and I can defend myself against evil ones. 

I guess she already forgot she is a fairy and can use her magic… 

Mommy: And you Erik? What do you like to do?
Erik: I exercise, so I gain muscles. 

Mommy: Now you are just repeating what Lejla said. 

I realized I should ask them separately. 

Erik: No I am not! I am not climbing poles; I am doing exercises! 

Mommy: Ok. Why do you need muscles?
Erik: Because I am a knight. Doah! 

Mommy: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
Lejla: I would fly back to Gozo because there are other fairies. 

Mommy: How do you know that?
Lejla: Because I’d seen them there.

Mommy: What would you do with them?
Lejla: I would practice my magic with them. Now I am going to dress in a fairy!

And she is gone… 

Mommy: Erik, where would you go, if you could go anywhere in the world?
Erik: I would be on a ship, and I would look at sharks, and I would search for treasure.

Mommy: Do you know where the treasure is?
Erik: Of course. It's onshore, where the cross is. And then I would go to the jungle to search for a tiger!

And what is your dream? How many of us still believe that anything is possible?

Edited: 6 years ago by Nadja Ebner

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