Travel & Tips

4 green places we like to visit in Ljubljana

Nadja Ebner

16 Aug 17 · 2 min read

We are living in Ljubljana, and since we sold our car in 2015, we've been sticking with our bikes. You don’t need a car if you are living in the capital. When we start craving for nature, we take small trips with bikes. Ones that even Erik can handle on his little vehicle are:

Ljubljana castle 

We like to go to the city center. Because it's usually crowded and hard to avoid walking people, we leave bikes locked and walk up the hill towards the castle. There we look for a dragon, see the view and have a picnic on a meadow in a forest behind the castle. 

If you go on a castle, dress like a Viking!

Sava river 

No matter the season, we go to visit farm animals by Sava river. There are horses, sheep, ducks, pigs, goats, etc. Kids like to play on a playground nearby. In the summer when it’s hot, we swim in a river and have a picnic with friends. 

Playground next to the Sava river

Park Tivoli 

When we don’t want to bike far, but we still need to put a foot in a forest, we go to explore park Tivoli. It is a city park, so don’t expect massive forest, but you'll find trees with their fresh smell. There are many playgrounds for kids and a small pond with its inhabitants. 

Tivoli pond in late summer

Koseze pond 

It is a nice road to Koseze if you go from the center and you make sure the Tivoli park stays on your left. There is a pond where you can see swans. They have a playfield for kids and a bar nearby. Or you can have a picnic on a meadow near the pond. 

Koseze pond, Lejla and Allstar lover ;)

If we want to go for a walk out of Ljubljana, we take a city bus (it is only 1,2€ for 90min, for kids it's free) and we drive to the last stop. Many buses are going in different direction. We pick one of them in the center, and we wait to see what we’ll discover at the end of the road. It is fun, and it’s nice. You get to know smaller villages near Ljubljana, and you will always find forest no matter which bus you choose.

Edited: 6 years ago by Nadja Ebner

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