My darling said: “It’s time to write your first blog for the website.” My emotional response: f*cking sh*t!
First I probably have to say where am I going, that I have to prepare myself for. I have a similarly minded _____ don’t know how to call him: partner? (that sounds so businesslike), husband? (we are not married), boyfriend? (way too far to call him that), lifelong companion? (too long and I don’t know… weird). Let’s call him “my guy” till I come up with something better.
We have two kids, five year old girl and four year old boy. Our life is already interesting as it is. But… It’s always BUT, isn’t it? We have a lot of expectations in life and feel that in Slovenia we are not able to meet them. (Or we are too young to see it. I don’t know; we’ll find out.) I’ve always had the desire to travel. To see as much as I can. It is one passion of mine that never became smaller. It only grows, and because I am growing, my fears are growing as well. I am well aware of all the lame excuses I serve myself. I get this image about something that fills me with positive emotions and the next second I can crush it with never ending what ifs.
I decided to think a bit less about the possible outcomes and deal with the ones that will happen.
I still didn’t tell where are we going, right? Well, we don’t really know. One thing we know is that we are leaving Slovenia on 24.9.2017. We are going back to Malta to attend our friends’ wedding. After that… Who knows. Our goal is to reach New Zealand where we want to live if we’ll find it suiting for us. We have one year to get there (maybe more, maybe less, we’ll see). We want to leave as much material stuff behind us as we can and travel only with hand baggage. We will decide on our next location according to the cheapest transportation. And because we won’t have much stuff with us, we want to travel to places where it’s warm, when it’s warm.
How can we afford it money wise? Well, my guy is a programmer. I can hear your response: “Aaaaa, ok I get it, he only needs an internet connection.” That is why we will plan our trip also according to that and give him enough time at one place to code. Because we are young and crazy, we don’t have any savings yet, so we’ll just have to be creative. Of course, we will keep you updated. :)
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When I talked about my history, I didn’t mention my kids. It is because they are entities of their own, with their own emotions and sensations about the world.
Yesterday we hopped on the train and took a trip to Bohinj lake. Our bikes had the pleasure to join us. Kids were super excited — they love to swim, and lakes are the best because the water is calm and sweet. But to get there, you need to sit on a train for two hours.
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