Travel & Tips

Adaptation to constant change

Nadja Ebner

18 Oct 17 · 2 min read

The hardest thing in changing our lifestyle, it’s not leaving; or unusual situations, like sleeping in the car; or not knowing the language that surrounds us. The challenging part is situations, for which we don’t have a standard response. The brain has hard work searching for optimal solutions over and over again. No more quick paths, no patterns, no routine. And during those processes, each of us craves for a friend.

Traveling as a family member has its advantages. You always have your loved ones with you. You are building deeper relations. You have your back covered. But when it comes down to fill your social needs, just your family isn’t enough.

I noticed this are the things troubling us in our first month of traveling:

  1. We don’t have a routine. We don’t have the same flat or environment even to build one. But it is necessary to create one that will not depend on outside changes. It needs to concern just us as family. Why it’s important? Because we need to figure out how to arrange 24 hours, so that we’ll cover working/productive hours, family time, teaching and spending quality time with kids, have some time just two of us, and also to learn, write, exercise, read, eat, sleep and so on. Days are always too short. And not to mention that we are traveling. We want to see things, explore our surroundings. How to solve this puzzle?
  2. We lack social interactions. Leo and I are not working in any community. Kids are not in the nursery. We don’t speak the language that’s surrounding us. We are hanging out only with each other, still trying to adapt to this enormous change in our lives and working on a puzzle mentioned above.
  3. Actually, that’s it. I thought it’s going to be a longer list of troubles. Because we are regularly seeking solutions for things that are not working, it seems like we are non-stop dealing with problems.

For me as a mother and a young woman full of ideas, it’s challenging how to distribute time. When I have ideas which I want to manifest, it’s hard to leave them hanging while I am devoting time to my kids. And if I am with my little ones, but my mind is wandering to tasks I want to establish, I feel guilty because I am not entirely present.

As you can see, we are dealing with the same issues as anyone else.

As you can see, we are dealing with the same issues as anyone else.

It’s not the environment that is causing us troubles, but it is a change of environment that challenged us, to work on our family dynamic even more.

P.S. One annoying thing that is environment related: right now we are living (and already paid for ten days) in a settlement that is full of dogs shit. It smells horrible (outside and inside the apartment), and there are irritating flies everywhere. Oh well…

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